Inner Child Retreat

Novotel Imagicaa

Khopoli (Near Mumbai)

1st to 6th March 2025
Cost: INR 90,000 (+18% taxes )

Contact here for more details: 9167255439, 9831459660


Inner Child Intensive: 6-day Retreat


  • A child is born pure and with unlimited potential. However, the child has specific physical and emotional needs that need fulfillment at every stage of his/her development. Most parents are unaware of the deeper needs of their child and these unmet needs are expressed in the child’s personality throughout their lives, defining how the child interacts with his/her external reality.
  • The inner-child refers to the childlike aspect of us that always resides in us. The science behind inner child work goes back to the early 20th century, when Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, who founded analytical psychology, propounded the ‘child archetype’. It is proposed that the way we act comes from one of the three ego states – child-like, parent-like, or adult-like. Why would anyone’s inner child need to be healed? This is because things that happen when you are young can leave a persistent mark on your psyche. We all have situations that arise in our lives which develop into unresolved emotional traumas. The gradual accumulation of unfinished mental and emotional business can lead to, and fuel, chronic anxiety, fear, confusion, emptiness and unhappiness through all of our life.
  • The natural defense mechanism of the inner-child to avoid painful experiences is withdrawal from the personality or self. Though this is supposed to be a temporary withdrawal, in all of us it persists mainly due to continued unresolved emotional traumas and unhealed situations causing disconnection. This is how we lose our connection with the inner-child.
  • Linear time does not apply when we work internally and with the unconscious. It is possible to bring our present wise and loving self, to meet and help our young inner-child and offer comfort and support, and find a new joy and energy in living.
  • By re-parenting or reclaiming that wounded child, we uncover any conscious or unconscious myths that we carry about ourselves and begin to re-evaluate and transform them.


The workshop will be conducted in two parts.

Part I – Inner-Child Journey

Inner-Child Archetypes

The Abandoned Child ;  The Neglected Child ;  The Playful Child ;  The Spoiled Child ;  The Fearful Child;  The Disconnected Child ;  The Discounted Child;  The Spiritual Child

The Energetics Of Voice Dialogue/Subpersonalities/Disowned Selves

  • Childhood Deconditioning Process
  • Inner-Child Self-Discovery Games
  • Non-Dominant Hand Drawings And Accessing The Intuitions Of The Inner-Child
  • Inner-Child Wounds — The Different Ways In Which They Present Themselves In Life — Fear, Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Addictions, Alcoholism, Anger, Rage, Self-Abuse, Self-Harm, Self-Sabotage, Abusive Relationships, Depression, Low Self Esteem, Co-Dependency, Fear Of Intimacy, Sexual Abuse

Part II – Inner-Child Recovery And Healing

  • Nurturing Your Inner-Child — Becoming The Nurturing Parent
  • The Inner Critical Parent — Replacing Self-Criticism With Self-Nurturing
  • Inner-Child Baggage — Recognizing And Healing Self-Destructive Thoughts
  • Connecting With The Higher Self — Learning To Connect Your Inner-Child With Inner Wisdom
  • The Roots Of Fear — Recognizing The Needy Inner-Child That Cries For Love
  • Healing Relationships — Seeing Through The Needy Inner-Child To Light Essence
  • Simple, Uncomplicated Love — Expanding Identity To Being Love
  • Emptiness And Neediness Of A Child – Different Types Of Emotional Energetic Holes (Energetic Holes Are Developed When An Essential Need Is Not Met As A Child)


Dr. Newton Kondaveti, MBBS, MD, and Dr. Lakshmi Newton, MBBS are world-renowned new-age Masters, medical doctors, and founders of Quantum Life University (QLU). They are practitioners and teachers of Meditation and Spiritual Science; pioneers in Inner Child Work, Family Constellation & Transgenerational Work, Organizational Constellations, Past Life Regression, Future Progression, Breath Mastery, Rebirthing-Breathwork, and Life Between Lives Regression; internationally acclaimed experts on Reincarnation and the Law of Karma, Mind-Body-Spirit Integration, Energy Medicine, Holistic Wellness; Master Teachers of Self-Empowerment; Motivational Speakers… the list goes on!

Dr. Newton Kondaveti awakened to his life purpose at the young age of 22. During his two-and-a-half decades of work, he has been a much sought-after mentor by beginners as well as established practitioners and teachers of Alternative Modalities, Holistic Health, and Self-Empowerment. Although widely recognized as a teacher of teachers, he is always the eternal student at heart. Humility and Unconditional Love are his hallmarks. Epitomizing the phrase “Walk the Talk”, he is a tremendous source of inspiration to all because he constantly practices what he preaches.

Dr. Lakshmi Newton has been a passionate advocate of Vegetarianism since the tender age of 2. She has been a constant companion of Dr. Newton for over three decades, sharing her vision and being a copresenter in workshops and trainings. She is the one to go to for practical answers to questions regarding Spiritual Living. Her mission is to enhance awareness about the need for harmony with the Animal and Plant Kingdoms and to spread the message of Love, Compassion, and Kinship with Animals.

Together, they have traveled to over 120 countries and touched the lives of millions of people by teaching Meditation, promoting Vegetarianism, training facilitators in Comprehensive Holistic Therapeutic Processes, and conducting Self-Empowerment Workshops. Their vision is to establish a Global Centre for learning Spiritual Sciences along the lines of the Ancient Indian Universities of Takshashila and Nalanda, former worldrenowned Centres in the fields of Arts, Medicine, Economics, and Spiritual Science. This serves as the main Inspiration for the Vision and Mission of Quantum Life University.

Click Here to download the Brochure

This very intensive workshop on soul journey and self-discovery is a must for:

  • Individuals who seek to discover themselves completely devoid of all illusions and pretenses and bring about a complete transformation thereby manifesting their highest potential
  • Teachers and people who are interested in working with children and helping them to grow spiritually
  • Therapists and healers who wish to empower themselves so that they are able to design each healing session to suit the specific needs of the individual and guide them towards total fulfillment at all levels

Note: Persons with the below-mentioned health issues are advised not to attend this course

        -Psychiatric issues such as depression or suicidal tendencies, bipolar disorder, multiple-personality disorder, schizophrenia or any other related or similar issues.

  • Improve your self-confidence by knowing your worth & trusting your capabilities
  • Develop the ability to speak the truth
  • Understand & practice self-love
  • Free yourself from any fears.
  • Let go of any limiting beliefs that were formed during your childhood
  • Learn to deal with and manage your emotions maturely
  • Handle all your relationships with ease
  • Heal the relationship with your parents or close ones
  • Shun your inner critic and be empathetic towards yourself & others
  • Learn to forgive and move on